Video of the Croatian Paklenica National Park

On the Youtube channel of BEECH POWER, you can find a beautiful video of the Croatian Paklenica National Park. 

In this video beautiful images of our Croatian partner can be seen accompanied by relevant information spoken in the national language. However, when turning the subtitles on Youtube one who cannot speak nor understand the Croatian language can follow just fine. 

Here is a small excerpt of the video:  “The Beech forests of Paklenica National Park (sites Oglavinovac – Javornik and Suva Draga – Klimenta) represents an exceptionally preserved and undisturbed forest ecosystem whose authenticity and integrity have been secured by years of protection. They are a vulnerable, part of the European primeval Beech forest and an important haven for many species such as the bear, lynx, wolf, stack beetle, Longhorn beetle and holly, peony and forest orchids. Some of those are even endangered worldwide.”



Check out the entire video by clicking on this link: