Using climate information in forestry decision-making processes is key to increasing the ability to adapt to climate change.

Scientific research from Fraccaroli C. and colleagues (2021) assess the potential of using climate data for the European forestry sector. Ensuring climate resilience.

Extreme weather events cause increasing disturbance risks and a changing climate, presenting major challenges to the forestry sector in Europe.  

Using climate data can help forestry stakeholders in assessing the suitability of the habitat of different tree species. It can support management during droughts and pests. Moreover, long-term decisions on planting strategies will benefit from these climate projections. The European Green Deal objectives emphasize the importance of using climate change data. However, forestry practitioners mainly work with land cover information instead of climate data.

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Reference of the scientific paper:

Fraccaroli, C., Marini Govigli, V., Briers, S., Peña Cerezo, N., Paz Jiménez, J., Romero, M., Lindner, M., Martínez de Arano, I., 2021. Climate data for the European forestry sector: From end-user needs to opportunities for climate resilience. Clim. Serv. 23, 100247.

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