Outputs of the project

Fig. 11


Old-growth criteria and indicators for beech forests (Fageta). 

Mapping guideline and field survey protocol for the Assessment of Old-Growth status and Ecosystem Services (Biodiversity & Carbon) in Beech Forests

Inspiration Book for Awareness Raising About Old-Growth Forests;
Communication strategies and case studies

Conference ‘Characteristics and Ecosystem Services of European Old-Growth Beech Forests'

Conference summary

The final conference of the Life Prognoses project brought together leading scientists, policy-makers at the European level, and national experts in the field of forest management and conservation.

During this conference, we presented results of four years of research into the characteristics of old-growth beech forests in Europe, their ecosystem services (recreational assets, carbon stock and biodiversity), and the methods to identify and delineate the forests that can be defined as ‘old-growth’ at the European level. We also discussed the implementation of old-growth forest protection with EU policy-makers, regional field managers and other stakeholders.

The conference contributed to a critical understanding of old-growth forest protection in Europe by integrating science, policy, and practice.

Here, you can download the summary report of the conference:

09.30h – 10.00h: Opening coffee

10.00h – 10.10h: Welcome

Herman Van Rompuy (President of the Sonian Foundation, Belgium)

10.10h – 12.10h: Session I

Scientific results of the Life Prognoses project


What is an old-growth forest? Towards a Europe-wide definition of ‘old-growth’.

– Dr. Kris Vandekerkhove (INBO, Belgium)


Identifying European old-growth forests based on field data: The old-growth indicator.

– Dr. Peter Meyer (NW-FVA, Germany),


Identifying European old-growth forests with remote sensing techniques.

– Dr. Manuela Hirschmugl (Univ. of Graz & Joanneum Research, Austria)

11.10h – 11.25h: Short break


Carbon stock and sequestration in European old-growth forests.

– Prof. Dr. Alfredo Di Filippo (Univ. of Tuscia, Italy)


Tree-related microhabitats in European old-growth forests: a proxy for biodiversity?

– Dr. Hanns Kirchmeir (E.C.O., Austria)


The significance of European old-growth forests for recreation and tourism.

– Ir. Anna Kovarovics (E.C.O., Austria)

12.25h – 13.30h: Lunch break with poster fair about the scientific results

13.30h – 14.50h: Session II

The science-policy interface regarding old-growth forests at the European level


EU policy and guidelines regarding the mapping and strict protection of primary and old-growth forests.

– Mr. Adrián Tištan (Policy Officer at the European Commission – DG Environment)


Towards a comprehensive Europe-wide map and database of primary and old-growth forests: Who is filling the gaps?

– Dr. José I. Barredo (Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission)


Priority actions for the conservation of primary and old-growth forests in Europe.

– MSc. Lyla O’Brien (Researcher at European Forest Institute (EFI))

The presentation slides are not available since the article on which they built has not been published yet. Instead, please, find a link to the previous paper of Lyla O’Brien concerning this topic.


From policy to practice: technical, practical and socio-economic challenges regarding the implementation of EU policy on old-growth forests: the case of the Walloon Region (Southern Belgium).

– Ir. Lionel Wibail (Attaché Service public de Wallonie, Département de l’Etude du Milieu naturel et Agricole)

14.50h – 15.10h: Coffee break

15.10h – 15.55h: Panel discussion:

The science-policy interface: achieving strict protection of old-growth forests in Europe.

Panel members:

Mr. Adrián Tišťan (Policy Officer at the European Commission – DG Environment)

Dr. José I. Barredo (Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission)

MSc. Lyla O’Brien (Researcher at European Forest Institute (EFI))

Ir. Lionel Wibail (Attaché Service public de Wallonie, Département de l’Etude du Milieu naturel et Agricole)

Dr. rer. nat. Markus Lier (Policy Analyst at the European Commission – DG Agriculture and Rural Development)

Dr. Peter Meyer (NW-FVA, Germany)

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Tom Nagel (Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

15.55h: Concluding words

– Dries Desloover (Agency for Nature and Forests Flanders-Belgium)

16.00h – 16.50h: Closing drink